Category Archives: Uncategorized
The Greatest Gift
The holidays are often many people’s favorite time of year. The sights and smells, the traditions and memories, the food, friends and family gatherings are all parts of what make it special!
A Proven Customer Engagement Strategy for Medtech
How do you keep customers engaged in a digital world where information overload minimizes the impact of traditional marketing?
COVID Commotion: Interview with our Speakers
COVID-19 exposed weaknesses in care processes now more than ever. We help identify ways to reduce patient contact while optimizing patient care and outcomes. There were many great questions received in advance of our webinar, scheduled for August 25th. Some of those questions were very engaging regarding the current medical climate – and we wanted toContinue reading “COVID Commotion: Interview with our Speakers”
The first thing I do when sitting down at my desk in the morning is run through my email to prioritize items for the day. One of my favorite aspects of this task is seeing communication from our amazing clinical team. Whether the messages are requests for assistance, telling me what is going on inContinue reading “Connection”
Webinar: Optimized Vascular Access in the COVID-19 Patient
TCX WebX Speaker Tips
At The Clinician Exchange, we want every webinar we host to offer the greatest experience for our hosts/panelists, clients, and audience participants. The host(s) / panelist(s) offer the greatest impact as to the ultimate success of a webinar, and with that we offer the following guidelines / best practices as suggestions to enhance the overallContinue reading “TCX WebX Speaker Tips”
This Frontline Nurse’s Perspective
This blog post was guest authored by one of our Clinical Brand Ambassadors, wishing to remain anonymous due to fears of repercussions. Tuesday, March 31, 2020 My mind still tries to reconcile that I cannot negotiate my way out of this pandemic. There isn’t a protocol I can follow to heal the sick. ThereContinue reading “This Frontline Nurse’s Perspective”
Virtual is the NEW Reality in MedTech
WHAT DO WE DO NOW? That is the question everyone is asking in MedTech circles. Within the past week we have witnessed the majority of healthcare facilities restrict the access of non-essential personnel in an effort to limit staff and visitor exposure to the COVID-19 virus. It is an absolutely necessary measure to ensure theContinue reading “Virtual is the NEW Reality in MedTech”
MedTech Uncertainty Manifesto
Uncertainty and mystery are energies of life. Don’t let them scare you unduly, for they keep boredom at bay and spark creativity – R.I. Fitzhenry Uncertainty (noun) (un-cer-tain-ty) – lack of sureness about someone or something; an almost complete lack of conviction or knowledge especially about an outcome or result